1. What’s the Deal with Stomach Ulcers? 🤔💥 Yo, if your belly’s been throwing a fit, you might be dealing with a stomach ulcer. These bad boys are like tiny, angry holes in your stomach lining or small intestine. They’re like that annoying person who can’t take a hint and […]
Healthy habits
Vitamin D and Depression: How the “Sunshine Vitamin” Can Get You Back on Track
Why Is Vitamin D Called “Sunshine”? That’s because, like a superhero, it’s activated when your skin catches the sun’s rays. Your body kneads this vitamin itself, like a cocktail, if you spend time outside. But here’s the kicker: many with depression are vitamin D deficient. Science doesn’t yet say it’s […]
How Long Does It Take To Reverse Prediabetes?
In a nutshell, it all depends on your plan and how persistent you are. Some people take a few months and some can take years. But with the right approach and lifestyle changes, it is possible to get things back to normal in about 25% of cases. Is prediabetes reversible? […]