In a nutshell, it all depends on your plan and how persistent you are. Some people take a few months and some can take years. But with the right approach and lifestyle changes, it is possible to get things back to normal in about 25% of cases.
Is prediabetes reversible?
Yes, if you get control of it in time. But how long it takes depends on your age, weight, and the tricks you use to control your blood sugar.
Essentially, it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Here’s what the legendary Diabetes Prevention Program study (2002) showed:
- 25% of participants were able to get by with a change in habits within a year;
- 30% managed with the drug Metformin;
- 40% achieved success by following a rigid plan.
How do you stay on track?
It’s simple: set goals, write them down and keep them in front of your eyes. Share your plans with loved ones to make it harder to score.
Prevention and early detection is key!
Statistically, 81% of people don’t even realize they have prediabetes. So regular checkups are a masthead, especially if there is a family history of diabetes or has had problems with high sugar.
How do you turn prediabetes around?

It’s all about lifestyle. Here are a few lifehacks:
- Move! At least 150 minutes of activity per week (that’s 30 minutes 5 times a week).
- Eat normal food. Forget the processed crap, emphasize whole foods.
- Lose weight. Losing at least 5-7% of your weight already reduces your risks. Try portion control and eat consciously.
- Get adequate sleep. 7 to 9 hours a day. Without sleep, the body can’t handle sugar.
- Stop smoking. Or at least start thinking about it.
- Be careful with alcohol. For women, a maximum of one glass a day, for men, two.
If changes in habits alone are not enough, the doctor may recommend medications like Metformin.
Track your progress!
Keep a journal or download an app. That way you can see how you’re doing, and your doctor can tweak the plan if you need to.
When your sugars (A1C and glucose) fall below pre-diabetes guidelines, it’s a win-win situation!
Risk factors for prediabetes
There are those that cannot be influenced: age, heredity, certain diseases. But there are also those that can be controlled, such as excess weight, poor diet, hypodynamia, smoking and alcohol abuse.

Prediabetes is a reversible thing if you take care of your health in time. Start simple: move more, eat normally, sleep like a human being. If not enough – discuss medications with your doctor. Most importantly, don’t blend in and keep track of your results.
You can win, just don’t slow down! 🚀
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